
Page Under Construction, check back often for updates.

As we are a not for profit foundation, we rely on the charitable donations from kind individuals and businesses to keep our wheels rolling.  Financial donations can be made via e-transfer or PayPal (below). We also accept equipment and materials as donations! Below is a list of equipment and materials we are in need of.

Platinum Sponsor
Donation of $1000.00 or more
Gold Sponsor
Donation of $500.00 to $999.00
Silver Sponsor
Donation of $100.00 to $499.00

Our Sponsors

Page Under Construction.
Our sponsors will be listed here, updated semi-annually. 
Alberta offers some of the most beautiful scenery and breathtaking locations in the world. Thank you to our sponsors and volunteers who help us preserve and protect it.
Platinum Sponsors

Needed Equipment or Material Donations

As our role in protecting Alberta's wilderness and environment grows, our foundation needs to grow as well. We are currently in the process of procuring land and will be moving our office to that site. Below is a list of materials and equipment we need now or in the near future:
  • Office skid shack with a washroom, 40' to 48' long
  • 20' Sea Can for waterproof storage and protection of equipment
  • 450Lbs Propane tank
  • Up to 4, 1000L IBC potable water totes
  • Solar panels and inverter system to reduce the needed of generator power
  • Cell Booster- Update: Our Platinum Sponsor Sure Call Boosters Canada has donated a Sure Call Fusion Professional 2.0 5G Ultra-Wideband Cell Booster System. We appreciate your support!
  • 2 way radios
  • Pressure treated lumber and corrugated metal panels to construct out-buildings for firewood storage/protection 

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